Please be prepared and wear basketball shoes, athletic socks, basketball shorts, t-shirt.
You may bring a lunch, snacks, and water bottle.
You can bring money with you for the camp concession stand. It is recommended that you leave any money you bring with the Camp Bank.
Please do not bring a basketball with you.
The Chuck Driesell Basketball Academy is not responsible for any personal items brought to camp or money lost at camp. All personal items brought to camp are left in the hallway or in open classrooms.
**Prior to attending your first day and each morning before you arrive, please ensure:
- You do not have any COVID-19, upper respiratory symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath, cold like symptoms)
- Confirm you have not been exposed to anyone who has COVID-19 or COVID-19 symptoms.
If you develop any COVID-19 symptoms while at camp, your child will need to be isolated and sent home.